Ephemeral photographs

Because of the incessant stream of images that we’re exposed to every day, we tend to stop looking at them intently. Ephemeral Photographs focuses on this over exposure. During 21 days in 5 weeks time, 21 large photographs will each be visible for only 24 hrs.

Ephemeral photographs preview, Pennings Foundation, 2019

Ephemeral Photographs investigates photography as a volatile medium, to question the value we assign to photos that we share with each other every day online. The work focuses on the short time that photos are used and are visible on social media such as Instagram Stories, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. The series consists of aesthetic images that were made over the course of 6 years. These images are made in split moments and are - contrary to many images on Instagram - presented without any use of filters or software edits.

The project was firstly shown at Pennings Foundation, Eindhoven, NL. During five weeks of the exhibition, each day a different image could be seen in the foundation and online on Instagram. There, the coloured series can also still be seen.

Inkjet prints on canvas, 112x189cm each, 2020

(Ephemeral Photographs is made possible by Arca.nl Printers & Supplies).

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